TM Support
TM Support, Streamyx Careline, Contact Number, Connection Setup, check coverage, Customer Service online application.
Modem Setting & IT Technical TM Support
TM Support help when your internet is not working or you are having connection problems, or you think that someone is hacking into your wireless network, you can follow the basic step below to troubleshoot and resolve the problems.This is just a standard guide only and different type of modem may require different method of setting. For further assistance, please call TM Support call center 100 or 1300888123 (TM Support for phone & Streamyx), 1300881221 (TM Support for UniFi) and +603 2241 1290 if you are calling from overseas.
What you should do when your internet connection is not working or your internet speed is very slow with frequent connection disruption?
- When your internet is not working
- No internet light in modem or the light is in red or blinking
- Switch off the modem
- Wait for 30 seconds
- Switch on the modem
- See internet yellow light is stable or not
- If not stable, reset modem
- Still not ok, call 100 to get assistance
- If problems cannot be resolved on the spot, get report number
How to check outside network connection or router is working or not?
- From your window, press start
- All Program
- Accessories
- Command Prompt
- C:>ipconfig
- You will see your IP Address, Subnet Mask & Default Gateway here
- C:>ping
- Make sure Packet: Send 4, receive 4, loss 0
- Otherwise, please call 100 for assistance
How to check is there anyone hacking into your wireless network?
Username: tmadmin
Password: tmadmin
- Click “DHCP” Clients icon
- See the list of wireless network users here
- If the users name are not people you know and not belong to you
- Your wireless network has been hacked
- Reset your security mode (encryption) from WEP to WPA or WPA2
- Change your password and preferably password with alphabet and numeric
How to check outside network connection or router is working or not?
- From your window, press start
- All Program
- Accessories
- Command Prompt
- Follow below step to ping your DNS server
- C:>ping -t
- You will see the repetitive reply here
- Otherwise, please call 100 for assistance
How to do speedtest?
- Visit
How to reset router?
Old modem
Username: tmadmin
Password: tmadmin
- Login
- Setup
- Setup Wizard
- Streamyx ID: teoh123@streamyx (put your log in ID here without .com)
- Streamyx password: tm123 (put your log in ID password, not wifi password)
- Protocol: PPPoE
- Connection Type: LLC
- Wireless Network Name (SSID): teoh family (put your preferred network name)
- WEP Key: abc1111111111 (preferably password with alphabet and numeric)
- Restart
New modem
Modem Username: tmadmin
Modem Password: tmadmin
- Login
- Quick Setup
- Protocol: PPPoE (choose PPPoE)
- Connection Mode: LLC (choose LLC)
- Streamyx ID: teoh123@streamyx (put your log in ID here without .com)
- Streamyx Password: abc123 (put your log in password, not wifi password)
- Next
- Wireless Network Name (SSID): teoh family (put your preferred network name)
- Network Key (WEP): abc1111111111 (preferably password with alphabet and numeric)
- WEP Encryption: Enabled
- Channel: Auto
- Next
- Save/Apply
How to reset router security mode(encryption) from WEP to WPA or WPA2?
Username: tmadmin or tmuser
Password: tmadmin or tmuser
- Click “ADVANCED” at the top
- Select SSID : teoh family (put your preferred wireless network name here)
- Security Mode: WPA (change to WPA only)
- Pre-Shared Key: abc1111111111 (preferably password with alphabet and numeric)
- Apply
Modem Username: tmadmin
Modem Password: tmadmin
- Login
- Wireless
- Security
- Enable WSC: Disabled
- Select SSID : teoh family
- Network Authentication: WPA-PSK
- WPA Pre-Shared Key: abc1111111111
- WPA Group Rekey Interval: 0
- WPA Encryption: TKIP
- Save/Apply
- Click internet signal at the right bottom
- Click Open Network and Sharing Centre
- Click Manage wireless network
- Click your wireless network name
- Click Remove
- Click internet signal at the right bottom
- Choose your network name
- Key in your new password
- Your are connected to your computer
WEP/WPA is a security for your wireless network. WPA is preferred and harder to hack into. WEP uses a 10 digit character password. WPA uses a 26 character pass phrase. WEP is an encryption method for the router and computer to talk. It prevents “hacking” into your router over a wireless connection.
WPA = Wifi Protected Access
WEP = Wired Equivalent Privacy
Any wireless network is vulnerable to interception and hacking, as the data is transmitted through radio wave. To prevent this wireless network from hacking, data is encrypted. WEP & WPA are two encryption standards used for this purpose. WEP consist of 64 bits and 128 bits. When it comes to a security of an encryption key, more bits is better.
WEP = use 24 bit initialization keys
WPA = uses 48 bit key
WEP is a serious weaknesses and a severely compromised security standard that can be easily hacked anyway. To enhance the security for WEP, try to set password with alphabet and numeric and change the Authentication from open to Shared Key. Another method is to hide the Access Point. However, to have the best security is to change to WPA
- Visit
- After changing the log in password, you must reset the new password in your modem
Username: tmadmin
Password: tmadmin
- Login
- Setup
- Setup Wizard
- Streamyx ID: teoh123@streamyx (put your log in ID here without .com)
- Streamyx password: tm123 (put your log in ID password, not wifi password)
- Protocol: PPPoE
- Connection Type: LLC
- Wireless Network Name (SSID): teoh family (put your preferred network name)
- WEP Key: abc1111111111 (preferably password with alphabet and numeric)
- Restart
Modem Username: tmadmin
Modem Password: tmadmin
- Login
- Quick Setup
- Protocol: PPPoE (choose PPPoE)
- Connection Mode: LLC (choose LLC)
- Streamyx ID: teoh123@streamyx (put your log in ID here without .com)
- Streamyx Password: abc123 (put your log in password, not wifi password)
- Next
- Wireless Network Name (SSID): teoh family (put your preferred network name) Network Key (WEP): abc1111111111 (preferably password with alphabet and numeric)
- WEP Encryption: Enabled
- Channel: Auto
- Next
- Save/Apply
- Right click the internet icon at the right bottom
- Click Network Sharing Centre
- Click Manage Network Connection
- Right Click Local Area Network
- Click Properties
- Double click “Internet Protocol Verson 4 (TCP/IPv4)
- Use the following IP address
IP Address:
Subnet Mask:
Default Gateway:
- Use the following DNS server address
Preferred DNS server:
Alternate DNS server:
- Visit
- Key in your log in ID and choose
- Key in your log in password
- Click log in
- You can start using your log in ID to send and receive email
1 byte = 8 bits
1 KB (Kilobyte) = 1024 byte
1 MB (Megabyte) = 1024 KB (Kilobyte)
1 GB (Gigabyte) = 1024 MB (Megabyte)
and more……..
Mbps = Mbps is Megabyte per second and it refer to the “speed” of data transfer rate
MB = MB is Megabyte and is an amount
A lot of customers who use Maxis and Celcom wireless broadband packages only offer with 1 GB (Gigabyte) or 3 GB (Gigabyte) usage limit per month. After reaching the limit set, the internet will either slow down or additional charges will be imposed. For TM BBdeal packages, it is unlimited usage. If you subscribe BBdeal 1 Mbps package (1 Megabyte per second), it takes approximately 17 minutes or 1024 second to achieve 1 Gigabyte (GB) download.
Email without attachment normally use about 8KB to 30 KB. Email with attachment using about 80 KB to 800KB. This is just a general guide and the usage amount may vary due to many factors.
TM Support call center 100 or 1300888123 (for phone & Streamyx), 1300881221 (for UniFi) and +603 2241 1290 if you are calling from overseas.
Need UniFi for home or your business?
Click on the link below to check the address and registration online
Registration, Streamyx and UniFi installation in your area
Please provide your full address ( no unit / lot , floor , building , park etc ) for review
For further inquiries , please contact us ( online form )
or via email : ✉[email protected]
Why register with us ?
- TRUSTED : We are an authorized and registered agent for TM UniFi and Streamyx .
- SAVE : No need to TM Point , crammed in traffic , looking for parking and so on .
- EASY : Questions and registration is done by email / online .
- QUICK : Registration is fast 15-30minit after the personal details and documents obtained .
- Installation can be scheduled as early as 2-3 days .
- ALWAYS HAVE to answer your questions about the package , coverage and related questions .
- Experience more than 1 years in the registry and install UniFi and Streamyx .
- TRUE : We gave the correct answer , without exception , without any doubt .
- HELP : If you have problems port full / missing units / etc. we ‘re here to help .
- SAFE : Information and personal data safe without any violation of privacy .
Please check coverage , see the package unifi , register online or contact us for more information .
Unifi is not in your area? Let’s get Streamyx.

No deposit charges

Save RM200 with free installation ( limited offer )

Free Equipment
Modem , WiFi router , HyppTV set and wireless DECT phones are free ( worth RM800 )

Free Call
Talk more with free calls all over the country ( Landline TM )