Maxis Business

Maxis Business packages promotion, check coverage, online application.
Price shown not include 6% SST effective 1st September 2018.
Maxis Business Fibre 20Mbps |
RM208 | 20Mbps Ideal for 5 to 10 users | Regular email access with moderate file transfer | Casual multimedia streaming | Voice over IP (VoIP) | Light web conferencing | Wireless backup internet connection symmetrical speed for download and upload |
Maxis Business Fibre 32Mbps |
RM258 | 32Mbps Ideal for 10 to 20 users RM258 | Moderate usage of cloud based-resources | Regular multimedia streaming and web conferencing | Voice over IP (VoIP) | Large file transfers / email attachments | Wireless backup internet connection symmetrical speed for download and upload |
Maxis Business Fibre 64Mbps |
RM358 | 64Mbps Ideal for 20 to 40 users | Heavy file transfers | Large email attachements | Regular multimedia streaming (high definition) | Advanced internet needs (cloud-based storage and apps) | Basic e-commerce hosting | Wireless backup internet connection |
Maxis Business Fibre 100Mbps |
RM398 | 100Mbps Ideal for 40 to 60 users | E-commerce hosting | Multi-party web conferencing | Optimized for high definition video streaming | Intense web usage | Advanced internet needs (cloud-based storage and apps) | High definition voice over IP (voIP) | Wireless backup internet connection |